Node Js Download Mac Os

Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Latest LTS Version: 14.16.0 (includes npm 6.14.11) Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing today.

  1. Install Node Js Mac Os
  2. Node Js Download Mac Os 10.10
  3. Node Js Download Mac Os High Sierra
  • Returns a string identifying the operating system platform. The value is set at compile time. Possible values are 'aix', 'darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'openbsd', 'sunos', and 'win32'. The return value is equivalent to process.platform. The value 'android' may also be returned if Node.js is built on the Android operating system.
  • Node.js Tutorial - Install Node.js: We shall learn to setup environment for Node.js and the prerequisites to start developing Node.js applications. For linux kernel based OS like Ubuntu/MacOS/SunOS. Once the download is complete, extract the package and include it in the system path variable. Go to the downloaded folder, Open a Terminal.
  • How to install Node.js and npm on Mac OS with Homebrew. The easiest way to install node.js and npm is the Homebrew package manager, which means you must first install Homebrew on your Mac if you haven’t already. It’s always a good idea to upgrade Homebrew before installing the Homebrew package, so run the following command to do so.
Before you start using Yarn, you'll first need to install it on your system. There are many different ways to install Yarn, but a single one is recommended and cross-platform:

Install via npm

It is recommended to install Yarn through the npm package manager, which comes bundled with Node.js when you install it on your system.

Once you have npm installed you can run the following both to install and upgrade Yarn:


Click to expand / collapse


On Alpine Linux (3.6+), you can install Yarn with apk.

Currently, there are no Alpine packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, Yarn can be installed through the official package manager.

Currently, there are no Arch packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

Install Node Js Mac Os

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

CentOS / Fedora / RHEL

On CentOS, Fedora and RHEL, you can install Yarn via our RPM package repository.

If you do not already have Node.js installed, you should also configurethe NodeSource repository:

Then you can simply:

Currently, there are no RPM packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Debian / Ubuntu

On Debian or Ubuntu Linux, you can install Yarn via our Debian packagerepository. You will first need to configure the repository:

On Ubuntu 16.04 or below and Debian Stable, you will also need to configure the NodeSource repository to get a new enough version of Node.js.

Then you can simply:

Note: Ubuntu 17.04 comes with cmdtest installed by default. If you’re getting errors from installing yarn, you may want to run sudo apt remove cmdtest first. Refer to this for more information.

If using nvm you can avoid the node installation by doing:

Note: Due to the use of nodejs instead of node name in some distros, yarn might complain about node not being installed. A workaround for this is to add an alias in your .bashrc file, like so: alias node=nodejs. This will point yarn to whatever version of node you decide to use.

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Gentoo Linux

On Gentoo Linux, you can install Yarn with portage.

Currently, there are no Gentoo packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths



You can install Yarn through the Homebrew package manager.This will also install Node.js if it is not already installed.

Node Js Download Mac Os 10.10

If you use nvm or similar, you should ensure that your PATH lists nvm’s shims before the version of Node.js installed by Homebrew.


You can install Yarn through MacPorts.This will also install Node.js if it is not already installed.

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

Node js download mac os recovery tool

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Currently, there are no Homebrew or MacPorts packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Upgrade Yarn

Yarn will warn you if a new version is available.To upgrade Yarn, you can do so with Homebrew.


On Solus, you can install yarn via the Solus repository.

Currently, there are no Solus packages available for RC or nightly builds of Yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup

If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths


There are three options for installing Yarn on Windows.

Download the installer

This will give you a .msi file that when run will walk you through installingYarn on Windows.

If you use the installer you will first need to installNode.js.

Download InstallerDownload Installer (RC)Download Installer (Nightly)

Install via Chocolatey

Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows.You can install Chocolatey by followingthese instructions.

Once you have Chocolatey installed, you may install yarn by running thefollowing code in your console:

This will also ensure that you have Node.js installed.

Install via Scoop

Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows.You can install Scoop by followingthese instructions.

Once you have Scoop installed, you may install yarn by running thefollowing code in your console:

If Node.js is not installed, scoop will give you a suggestion to install it.Example:


Please whitelist your project folder and the Yarn cache directory (%LocalAppData%Yarn) in your antivirus software, otherwise installing packages will be significantly slower as every single file will be scanned as it’s written to disk.


If you are using another OS or one of the other options specific to your OSwill not work for you, there are a couple of alternatives. You will need toinstall Node.js if you don’t already have it installed.

On common Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS, it isrecommended to install Yarn via our packages instead.

Installation Script

One of the easiest ways to install Yarn on macOS and generic Unix environmentsis via our shell script. You can install Yarn by running the following code inyour terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature.View the source on GitHub

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual Install via tarball

You can install Yarn by downloading a tarball andextracting it anywhere.

Node Js Download Mac Os

Before extracting Yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path Setup


If Yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH='$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin' (the path may vary depending on where you extracted Yarn to)
  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to Yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH='$PATH:`yarn global bin`' to your profile, or if you use Fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths


You will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal to have access to Yarn’s binaries globally.

Add set PATH=%PATH%;C:.yarnbin to your shell environment.

Check installation

Check that Yarn is installed by running:


Node Js Download Mac Os High Sierra

In this tutorial, i am going to tell you how to install Node js in Mac OS. But before that let us understand what Node js is and why should we use it?

Node js is a javascript run time environment, and it is built on Chrome’s v8 engine. It executes a javascript programme in the browser. Node js has provided superpowers to javascript as other programming languages have.

Why should we use Node JS?

Every programming language has its own benefits, when we talk about Node js, it was developed considering better performance and scalability for software applications. It’s a power-packed tool which is used for large and complex web and mobile applications.

Here are the few reasons to use Node JS.

  • It is fast and easy.
  • Large single free code base.
  • It is fast because of Google support
  • It can be used client and server side.
  • It supports Mac OS, Windows and Linux.
  • Best for building games and chat apps.
  • It’s a best used free server side language.
  • It is best for enterprise level web applications.
  • Code execution is better than other programming languages.
  • It enhances the effectiveness of front-end and back-end development.

How to Install Node js in Mac OS?

Head over to node js official website and download the node js installer. You’ll see a few versions, but I would suggest downloading the recommended version.

Once your installer is downloaded, then click on it and let the install wizard do its work. It’ll install both Node and NPM (node package manager), NPM allows us to install other packages in the node_modules folder.

Then accept the agreement and install the node js in your mac os.

Finally it will ask you to make sure /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH. Run the command to check the path.

Use the below method to check whether Node js working correctly or not by using below commands.

Press ‘control’ + ‘c’ twice to come out from the node terminal.

Run the following command to check the node version.