Install Docker On Digitalocean

  1. Install Docker Digitalocean 16.04
  2. Install Docker Compose Digitalocean
  3. Install Docker On Digitalocean Droplet

Either use the root password from the email DigitalOcean sent you when the server was set up, or have a valid SSH key configured on your local machine. Install Docker / Git (Optional) If you have reason to install your own version of Docker, you may do so. If docker is not installed, discourse-setup will automatically install it from get.docker. Finally, install Docker: sudo apt install docker-ce Docker should now be installed, the daemon started, and the process enabled to start on boot. Check that it’s running: sudo systemctl status docker The output should be similar to the following, showing that the service is active and running. To deploy RethinkDB on Docker, run the following command: $ docker run -d -P -name rethink1 rethinkdb You can find unofficial community-supported Docker images on our Frameworks and Libraries list under “Docker images.”.


Install Docker Digitalocean 16.04

Official packages

Community supported packages

Install Docker Compose Digitalocean

Ready to install the client drivers? Take a look at the drivers install page.

Docker provides an official RethinkDB repository on the Docker Hub. To deploy RethinkDB on Docker, run the following command:

You can find unofficial community-supported Docker images on our Frameworks and Libraries list under “Docker images.”

Building from source

Install Docker On Digitalocean Droplet

If your platform isn’t listed here, you may still be able to buildfrom source. You should be able to build RethinkDB on most Linux-basedsystems—check out the generic buildinstructions. If you get RethinkDB running on your platform,please contribute a package!

Other architectures

Currently the RethinkDB server only supports x86 and x86_64 architectures onUnix-based platforms, and has experimental ARM support (thanks to the effort of@davidthomas426).

Our long-term goal is to port RethinkDB to every widely-used platform. Getinvolved in the development effort and help port RethinkDB tomore platforms.

Binaries for previous versions of RethinkDB are available in the download archive.